Is Censorship Becoming an Overused Agenda?

In 2022, Elon Musk made headlines when he acquired Twitter for a staggering $44 billion. Within weeks of taking control, Musk slashed Twitter’s workforce by 80%, yet the platform continued to function without issue. This raises a significant question: what exactly were those 80% of employees being paid to do?
In December, just two months after Musk’s acquisition, internal communications were made public, revealing that the FBI had a hand in determining what content was censored on the platform. This discovery has left many wondering: why is the FBI involved in deciding what Americans can or cannot post? And more importantly, is Twitter the only platform under such influence?

As we dig deeper into this issue, more questions emerge. If the government can influence social media platforms, what other areas might they control? Are news stations, podcasts, sports broadcasts, and even schools subject to similar manipulation? Are we receiving news that is carefully curated to ensure we only hear a specific narrative?
In a world where free speech is a fundamental right, these revelations prompt us to ask: do we still have the freedom to form our own opinions, or are we being subtly guided to think and believe only what the government deems appropriate? What does America think?
Saturday, August 17th, 2024